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jellybean cichlids

23 14:28:40

I have already asked another "expert" on this problem. These two fish I have together breed alot but the babies disappear.  Do the males or females eat the babies?  Could they be getting sucked up the filter, or possibly dying off for some reason?  Well any way any information or advise on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Eric,
 The problem with jellybean cichlids is that they are a manmade hybrid.  As a result, often they will lay eggs that don't hatch or if they do hatch, they don't live long.  This is because of their origins and their isn't much you can do about it.  

 It is also possible that they are doing okay but get sucked up by the filter, but in that case, you could check the filter to see if they are in there.

 The final thing to keep in mind is that the reason cichlids have so many babies is that so many of them do not survive.  

-- Ron
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