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Is my goldfish pregnant?

23 14:27:05

Hi, I think that one of my three goldfish is pregnant. "She" has become quite fat, even though I don't over feed them, and seems very lethargic. "She" is still eating properly but doesn't seem to want to move around a lot. I thought it may be a swim bladder infection but after adding some swim bladder treatment to the water for a few days, nothing has changed. The fish have a big tank to live in with plenty of water and live plants so  I think "she" may be pregnant. What do you think? If it doesn't sound like "she" is, what do you think it could be???

Hi Dee.

Goldfish dont get pregnant. They are not livebearers. And unless she is in a 150 gallon tank, with PERFECT perameters and PERFECT temperature, she is not pregnant.

It sounds like your fish has bloat. Try feeding a few shelled boiled peas, and then dont feed for 5 days. Fish can go for up to one month without food, so dont worry about it starving. The peas will help aleave the fishes constipation.

Let me know if you have any questions.
