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Beta Fish - Water Temp

23 15:07:27

My Beta fish is a Christmas present and came with a tank, filter and a light, a small plant and some mirror rocks.  My fish doesn't seem too hungry and won't eat.

Our house is between 60 and 65 degrees - is that too cold for him?  If so, how can we keep his water warmer without overheating my Mom?

Hi Jess;

Bettas need 78 to 80 degrees all the time. If you put a small light next to his tank and keep it on 24 hours a day that will help. Monitor the temperature to be sure it gets where you want it.

It helps to keep the tank in a place that is insulated or surrounded on all sides except one so you can see him, but the tank is guarded from the cold. A good example is a bookcase or a shelf with things around him. Put the light close to it so it can warm him up. I like to use desklamps that have a long neck that can be directed toward the tank. If you get one that will take a night time reptile bulb he doesn't have to have a regular bright lite on him all the time. Check your local fish store for those.

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Chris Robbins

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