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betta acting diffrent

23 14:59:37

  Well im new to here but im kinda worried about my girlfriends betta. The fish "Will" is staying at the bottom more then normaly and hes starting to swim on his side also hes not eating at all. He feeds on the betta pillets and we clean his tank every week. He's also in a 2gal, tank and lives alone. His tank has a pump in it. He has decorations but still he seems sad. What can we do!

Hi Sam;

He may be too cold and/or could have a swim bladder problem. Be sure his water is at least 76 to 80 degrees. Put his tank in a warm place. A desk lamp or other light source that puts off heat is helpful. Bettas are tropical fish so if they are too cool they may not eat.

Here is more about swim bladder problems;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins