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Long Tailed Zebra Danio

23 11:29:52

I have a 5 gallon tank with 5 zebra long-finned danios and 1 cory albino bottomfeeder. One of the zebras had a bent spine when I got him. I read that it is common in old age for them to get a curved spine... but at first I thought he had that tuberculosis. Anyways, this morning I noticed he has a fuzzy pink growth towards his tail...but not directly on his tail. He also does not look as colorful as the others. He looks a little thinner than the others as well, but he still has a good appetite. So I put him in isolation in a smaller 1 gallon tank. He is swimming around and seems fine but I was worried that he may have that tuberculosis. I do a 25% water change every two weeks and test the water regularly. Does it sound like he has this disease? Also if he does, does this mean my other fish likely have it or if I keep up with my water changes will they likely be okay?

Thanks for your input!  

Hi Michelle,
  Hmm... that is really hard to say.  It is true that old fish often get bent spines but I can't say anything about tuberculosis.  Sorry. In any case, there isn't much you can do about it.  Keep up with the water changes -- that is a good idea no matter what. In general, you should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week, to keep your fish happy and healthy.

-- Ron C.
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