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Water Softner salt question

23 14:37:12

I recently had a water sofner put in.  My question is we add  salt(Morton system saver) to the softner will this be a problem?  I was told the salt does not actually get into the water.   I do add aquarium salt to the tank by the amount of gallons of water change I do.  The ammonia checks finally have been 0 and the Ph 6.4-6.7.  Before the softner the ph was about the same.  

Thanks Ron

Hi Fran,
  Sorry, but I don't know the answer to that one.  I have never had a water softener so I don't know exactly how they work.  

  I can tell you that the practice of adding aquarium salt to fish tanks as some sort of general treatment is largely a myth. I never add salt to my tanks.  If you keep East African cichlids, it might be beneficial.  If you keep Central or South American fishes, it is likely harmful. Those fish come from water that is completely salt-free.

-- Ron
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