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a tetra with black lumps

23 14:44:08

one of my tetra has big black lumps all over its body
can you tell me what it is and how to treat it
thanks kay

Isolate the infected fish into a quarantine tank to prevent others catching it.
A lot of the time black spots are due to scabs formed after the fish has cut itself, but as there are many on your fish, I doubt that is the case. It is most probably die to poor water quality, and ammonia burns. I recommend you buy ammonia and nitrite test kits, and test both. If they are not both 0.0, do 30 percent water changes every 3 days. If the ammonia is over 1.0, do 40 percent changes every two days until it is gone. Also use nitrite and ammonia remover to help speed the process.
I hope this works for you,