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Tea cup stingrays?

23 11:18:30

Are any of these fish compatible with my teacup stingray? and what are good nice looking fish that will go well with it? angle, gourami, cats, loachs, rainbows, hi-fin shark, sword tail, dragon golby, muddog/hell bender? THANKS
41 minutes ago - 1 week left to answer.
And i just read that pelcos dont go well together with them what other sucker fish would work?

Well basically none of those fish except for some catfish or a hifin shark (hope we are talking about the same species) none of the other would go together with him. The reason why plecos dont go together with them is that it would just slurp all the slime off your stingray! Leading to his demise! So actually no sucker fish would go togethor with your stingray unfortunately as they find the flat surface of your slimy fish to be quite delightful.