Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My new Red Parrot fish

My new Red Parrot fish

23 13:58:16

QUESTION: I actually bought my red parrot fish from Walmart. The workers there aren't really educated on how to take care of the fish once someone has purchased one. Any way, I have it in a standard fish bowl, and I have a heater set at 80 F.
My question is pretty similar to one that I saw someone ask before. The fish was active at the store, but when I put it in the bowl, it didn't move around at all. I was just wondering is it because its in a new environment, or because the area I have given it is too small?

ANSWER: Hi Tiff,
  Unfortunately a fish bowl is soon going to be way too small for a parrot cichlid. Adult parrot cichlids grow to 6 to 8 inches long.  

  Your fish is probably unhappy because of the move. In the future, it will be very unhappy if it is living in a bowl.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Alright Thanks alot that really helped,
Im going to get it a larger tank.
but in the mean time, is it ok if it stayed in the fish bowl? and if so, does it need one of those oxygen things?

ANSWER: Hi Tiff,
  Yes it does need a source of oxygen.  

  As far as remaining in the fish bowl, it doesn't really have a choice until you move it into something larger.  If you are asking: could it die?  The answer is yes.  A fish bowl has a very small volumen of water and you need to change some of it (about 25%) every few days or it will quickly become polluted and toxic for the fish.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Alright, (i know this is my 3rd question :$).. i bought the tank, which comes with a filter and heater and light. Does it need one of those oxygen bubble things as well?

Hi Tiff,
  Whether you need a separate air pump depends on the kind of filter you have in the tank.  A few kinds of filters stir up the water enough such that an airstone is not really necessary.  In general, I strongly recommend that every tank have an airstone in it.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>