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23 11:14:12

I recently started a 55 gallon tank and have 4 midas chiclids in it.  I was not properely informed of their agressive behavior and now my question is what if any fish can be placed in a tank with them?  They are babies and are only about 2 1/2 inches right now.  If they cannot be mixed with other fish I will have to return them and start over with a more docile community fish.

Hi Victoria,
  Midas cichlids are wonderfully interesting fish but they are highly territorial, particularly as they get larger.  Keep in mind that an adult midas cichlid is close to a foot in length.  As far as tankmates, probably your best bet would be larger catfish.  You certainly cannot keep fish like tetras and other "community" fish with them (or at least not for long).

-- Ron C.
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