Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > why r my fish staying at the bottom of the tank

why r my fish staying at the bottom of the tank

23 14:53:23

ok i have had theese fish for a real long time they r goldfish and i have 3 and a 55 gallon tank i have changed there water a  lot since i have had them now i changed it and they r staying at the bottom and they r not swiming around they seems to be breathing ok and the swim when i touch them what can be wrong please?

Hi Ashley;

Do they have any spots or anything?
Do they look like they have scales missing or excess slimyness?
Do they have redness around their mouths or streaks in their tails or fins?
Do they seem to act like they feel itchy?
How often do you change water and how much at a time?
When was the last time water was changed?
What kind of filter and how often is it cleaned?
When was the last time it was cleaned?
What is the water temperature?

Let me know.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins