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betta is sick

23 14:02:35

my betta has white spots on fins and his tail has brown spots, can you help me?

Hi Darrin, thanks for taking the time to ask a question!

White spots on the fins are probably ich, although generally they're not limited to a single area...  If the white spots are raised and all over his body, accompanied by clamping fins and listlessness, then I would say ich.  Treating for ich is easy, you can get the meds at any pet store, or most large department stores.  It will not conflict with any other treatments I suggest, but it may stain your tank seals(it's a BRIGHT blue).

The fin problems are probably fin rot or ammonia burn.  I'd do a 50% - 100% water change(depending on tank size, if it's 2g or less, a full change) to start, and continue doing 25% - 50% water changes for the next little while.  When the water is left too long, the fish pee and poo start to actually harm the fish, as well as stink up the water.  And remember to always add a dechlor to your water, and try to let it sit out(but covered lightly) to age it.

To tell if the issue is fin rot or ammonia burns, you need to look closely and see if the brown-stuff starts from the edges, or if it's just spots in the fin.  If it starts from the edges, then it could be fin rot.  

You can also add melafix to help promote the fins to regrow properly, and treat if the issue is fin rot.  This may also protect the fins from further damage from the ammonia, but not always.

Good luck, and follow up if you need any more information!  Hopefully this'll get your boy on the road to recovery