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blue rams.

23 11:17:45

hi, i have a question on blue rams. i had 6 blue rams to start off with and a few tetras species in a 4ft tank when they started getting small white specs and had 2 of the 6 rams die. I put them in a hospital tank (20L) to treat them for ich (which is what i believed the disease was). Rest of the fish healed fine, except a week later i found one ram with something small protruding just underneath the mouth and a day or day later the area around it turned red. Its a male ram and its constantly fighting with the other male so at first i thought it just may have been hurt from the other fish but now i think it may be a parasite, not too sure. What should i do??

Hi Andrea,
 It is hard for me to say from here, but my guess is that it is a wound from fighting.  External parasites other than ick are rare on cichlids.

-- Ron C.
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