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Constipated fan tail fish

23 11:15:06

In the past few days I have noticed that my Fan Tail fish has developed a swollen stomach. It's swim pattern is sporadic and seems to be head down vertically floating. I'm almost certain it's constipated and realise it's common in this species of fish.
I've been given a few tips...for examples trying to feed it peas? this hasn't worked as the fish is simply not interested in them. I was also told to try Epsom Salts - placing the fish in a bath of Epsom salts?  Is there an alternative to using Epsom salts or any other remedy's to try??

Hi Phoebe,
 Actually those two remedies are the ones I most often hear of, so I would go with them.  
Of course, if he won't eat the peas, then you pretty much have to go with the epsom salts.

-- Ron C.
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