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my fish.

23 11:25:01

   I had 3 bala sharks but im guessing that they either got lonely or there wasnt enough room in the tank because within 3 days all but one are dead. I am going to buy 5 new bala sharks and i have a larger tank now but i need to know how to transport the newly bought 5 bala sharks into the new aquarium from the bag given to me at the store. I also need to know how to transport the 1 left bala shark from the original aquarium to the new aquarium and how to get the 5 new sharks into the same aquarium without shocking the 5 new sharks or killing any of them? how should i go about doing this???


Take the fish and gently net them and put them in a plastic aquarium bag that is about 1/4 filled with water from their tank. Put the fish in it. Tie the top of the bag up with a rubber band, make sure to leave about 1/2 of the bag full of air. Float that bag in the new tank for 15 minutes. After you have done this, fill the bag up the rest of the way with water from the new tank. Wait 10-15 more minutes. Then, net the fish out of the bag and place it in it's new home. Be careful not to get any water from the old tank into the new tank, as that can transfer diseases, algae, etc.