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My Flaming Dwarf Gourami

23 14:46:15

I have had this Gourami for about a year now, I even named it Stuey. Well he/she has been very inactive the last month or so, sitting on the bottom of the tank, not really eating, and only swimming to go to the top for air once in a while. I've also recently noticed a bump on the right side, and he is now laying on his side on the gravel breathing irregularly. The guy at the pet store said a year is a long time for a Gourami.

So I'm under the impression his natural life cycle is coming to and end. I really like this fish and don't want him to suffer, can I end his suffering sooner (like freeze him or something) or should I wait and just let him go on his own in the tank? What should I do? He's looking like he's in pretty bad shape.

This type of thing you have to answer yourself. Personally i would let him live while others would put him out of his missury. If i was you i would look up what may cause this bump and these symptom, for I do not know, and treat him. I have found, pet store owners are not always right and you sould really hope for the best!