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Cichlids Strange Struggles

23 11:14:05

Hi there and thank you in advance! So, I have a 45gal. cichlid tank and i have
about 8 inhabitants none bigger than about 3inches. I keep a close eye on my
little friends water. I recently switched to a sinking pellet type that was
causing them to produce alot of waste. Ammonia levels were a little high but a
water change and went back to flakes fixed it. About a week later one of my
little guys started swimming like he was drunk. He is a Taiwan Reef Cichlid
named HiHi. Everyone in the tank is about 2yrs old and about 1 year ago HiHi
had a fungus grow on his one eye and i was a bit late on the melafix and it
left him blind in one eye! I have noticed a little cloud on his good eye
recently, as well as the horrible swimming and running into everything and
swimming sideways and almost upside down at points! So my question is
could the eye cloud again be his issue with his swimming? or does it sound
swimbladder related? Also he can still find food.... not great but he gets a few
flakes at food time! He seems to miss the flake alot. Im really just concerned
about his quality of life at this point.
Any of your thoughts and/or input on the situation is much appreciated!  

This sounds like ammonia and chlorine poisoning to me.

Is there chlorine in the water where you live? If so, is there a chance you forgot to dechlorinate it during the water change? If this is the case, dechlorinate the tank and add an air stone, as this will dissipate the chlorine into the air.

I know you fixed the ammonia levels, but the effects of it can linger for a while.check for nitrites, as you typically get a nitrite spike shortly after an ammonia spike. All you can really do to fix ether of these is extra water changes until the problem is fixed.