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Fish Aggression

23 14:14:20

Tank:210 gal.
Fish:One 18"Black Arowana,                            Two6"Escondidos,Two5"Parrots,One5"Frontosa,One10"Distichodus sexfasciatus
Q:Hi, my problem is that my Distichodus has been getting more aggressive and is now starting to take large bites out of my Escondidos and keeps my Frontosa in the corner. Is there anything I can do do change his behavior? I don't feed them live (I feed 1x a day) and getting another tank is not an option.I have rocks and Driftwood that cover 1/3 of the entire bottom portion of the tank for hiding.I really love this fish and don't want to get rid of him.
-DAn L.R.

Hi Dan,
 You need more vertical structure in the tank.  In the case of a 210 gallon tank, try to put some BIG pieces of wood in the tank, plus a lot of large plants, to help break up the space.

-- Ron
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