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black fantail big eyes

23 14:20:37

I have what i was told is a fantail hit is black with really big popped out eyes, he floats on his side all day and he is not dead because i see him swimming on his side. when he tries to swim down he can and when he stops moving he floats right back to the top whats wrong with him

Lili,                                                        He has a swim bladder infection. Go get some tetracycline or maracyn-tc. Treat for 7 days and take out your carbon. This should take care of this. He is a black mor by the way. After your 7 days do a 25 % water change and add new carbon. Then to prevent this from happening again feed him a frozen pea squeezed between your fingers once a week and you can also give him half a slice of orange held in a veggie clip you can get from your pet shop while you are getting his medicine and he will love you for it. High in vitamin C. Good Luck, Tina