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Barbs compatible with cichlids?

23 14:39:18

Hi, I have four rosy barbs in a 30 gallon tank and I was wondering if I could move them to my newer bigger tank with cichlids. The cichlids are blue and yellow, I dont know what kind they all are I just know that they are African. I would love to see my rosies with the cichlids but I dont want them to fight or be unhappy with each other. Thanks

Good morning Alessa, thank you for your question.

Cichlids are very territorial, so you should be careful when adding new fish (even cichlids!) to an already established cichlid tank. You say the tank is newish. As long as it is entirely cycled, with water testing 0 ppm for nitrite and ammonia and less than 20 ppm of nitrate, you can try adding your rosy barbs to your cichlid tank, but first do this:

Make sure you have a balance of ample swimming room and decor. You don't mention the size of your tank, or how many cichlids you have, but take a moment to evaluate your stocking level. Cichlids need lots of rocky decor to thrive - they love to be in and out of caves and rocky outcrops. Rosy barbs prefer to stay in the middle of the water column, which is why the larger barbs are sometimes used as dither fish for the cichlids, to encourage them to swim about more and feel more secure about their surroundings.

Just before introducing the barbs, re-arrange your decor. This may seem like a pain, especially if you spent hours getting the decor just right, but moving about some of the structures in your tank will help the cichlids to establish new territories and distract them from the barbs at first.

It is best to have a plan B - in your case, moving the rosies back to the 30 gallon - in case the aggression is too much and the playful, peaceful rosy barbs end up getting nipped or otherwise harassed. Likely things will go smoothly with a little preparation and observation, on your part.

Good luck, and feel free to write back if you have more questions for me!
