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my fish has multiple problems

23 14:21:38

hey tina!!

I was so glad to hear your resume on how much you love fish! You're just the person I need. My betta hasn't eaten for about 2 days, I went to my local pj's pets to ask them why he was acting like this, and the men said that since I feed him everyday he just got tired of his food.He said to only feed him every-other day. So I did. He still wouldn't eat his food he kept spitting it out. We feed him a pea, and he gobbeled it down, does he want more variety??

Also his tail keeps tearing. It tore almost half way down previously, but it healed fine. His tank is very clean but is this fin rot??

Please help me with my betta.



Hayley,                                                      Lets fix this now. Peas are good right now it is like a lxative for him. Sometimes when you feed(and not all the time) freeze dried food because of the way he breathes air causes him to gulp air on the surface. Constipates him. I would recommend feeding him frozen blood worms. Just get a flat pack and put the corner in and shake off a couple or three 2 times a day. Once in the morning and once in the early evening. Adjust to his appetite. Then pop it into a freezer bag and into the freezer a pack lasts forever. Watch for freezer burn if it happens get a new pack. In the meantime add some some aquarium salt this will help his system get rid of any excess wastes.Just follow the directions and adjust accordingly. I think this will take care of your problem kiddo, Good Luck, Tina.... if you have any other probs we will go from here.