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feeding my goldfish

23 14:50:42

I just got a "bubble-eyed" gold fish.  I bought the floating pellet typed food for it, but it seemed to eat it then spit it out.  I figured it may be too big, so I bought a smaller version fo the same food, but it sinks and he cant seem to find it to eat it.  I notice that sometimes, after he spits out the pellets, he will nibble at it for quite a while (if it doesn't sink first) and I am wondering if I am feeding him the right food or if I should be concerned that he is not getting enough.  Should I maybe try flakes instead of the pellets?  This is my first goldfish so I am not sure what to do.  (he lives in a 2 gallon bowl.)  Any help or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks for your time!

Hi c,

Personaly, I think it isn't good to keep fish in bowls unless they are quite small or a betta.  Maybie you should try flakes. If the flakes are too big, put them in a mortar and pestle and grind them.  Or you could use a pepper grinder or just shake the bottle/tin for a while until the flakes get small.

I hope I helped,