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what to feed my oscar

23 11:44:04

Hello Linda, Thank you for the great information you gave me on my sick oscar, now walter is all better and wants to eat.feeding him comets or worms out of the garden must not be good.What is a good diet for tiger oscars? he really like the live fish. Can i feed him guppies i am raising?can you give me some suggestions?
he has a big appetite.
Thank you so much

Hi Lori,
Comets, feeder fish, and worms from your garden are not good for your Oscar.  Comets, feeder fish are mostly always full of disease, and are have no nutritional value.  Worms from your garden, or insects may contain pesticides, and this would kill your Oscar.
Guppies you are raising is okay, as long as you know they are not sick...but worms bought at your bait store are also very good for him.  Clean the worms first by putting them in oats for one week.  Regular minnows that you find a a bait store are also good for him.  Crickets that you buy at your pet store are excellent for him.  Frozen fish that you buy at the market, and unfreeze before giving a piece to your Oscar is another good source of vitamin food for him.  Make sure the fish is frozen, and that they come from lakes, and rivers.  Do not feed your Oscar fish from salty waters.  Frozen vegetables that you find in the frozen section of your market should be given to him once a week.  Broccoli, peas, green beans, spinach, and carrots are all good for your pet.  Blanch them first, let them cool by putting them under cool water, and feed them to your Oscar.  Make sure that the pieces have cooled.  Bananas, and Mangoes may also be fed now, and then.
A good quality flake that you find at the pet store is a must, and presoaked pellets are also very good for him.  The more you vary, the healhier he will be.  Keep his water always very clean, and be careful not to overfeed him, and he will do just fine.