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new tank...sick fish

23 15:00:59

We have two tanks w/ fish.  We set up a third tank to split up the fish.  The tank looked beautiful, we put the fish in and within 5 hours the fish had a white film over eyes and it looks like over their skin.  Also the front fins look like they are deteriorating.  Also we had an airstone and white soap like bubbles were being produced from the airstone filling the top of the tank.  We moved the fish out of new tank into old tank.  What is going on? and how do we fix the tank to put fish back in?  Thanks.

Hi Josie;

Could something toxic like soap or cleaner have gotten into the tank? These are very toxic, even in small trace amounts. It would explain the foam and the burned eyes and skin too.

Take everything apart and rinse, rinse, rinse. You can even wipe it out and soak with pure white vinegar. Vinegar will cut through soap and detergent residue. Soak the decorations and other equipment in a vinegar bath too. Two cups in a 3 to 5 gallon bucket of hot water should do the trick. Throw away filter media and buy new ones. If there is carbon or zeolite in them, it will absorb toxins and could release them back out into the water again. Rinse out or throw away the airstone too. If the bubbles occur again, replace rocks and gravel too.

If you know for sure that you have not used anything toxic in or near the tank, take it back to the store and get a replacement, telling them what happened. Something may have gotten spilled into it before it even went home with you.

Just out of curiosity, maybe the tank is far too small for the number of fish you added? You didn't mention what size it is or how many fish and how big they are. You have two other tanks and seem to know how to care for fish, so it seems unlikely, but I wanted to just make sure.

Let me know.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins