Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > beta looks not so good

beta looks not so good

23 14:53:17

I recently got a new beta fish after having my last for 4.5 years, I
figured that was a pretty good life span so do the same things. I
keep the tank clean feed him every day and keep is temp between
68-74 degrees but I came in to check on him today and saw that
he is very listless and his torso is very swollen, so much so that his
scales seem to be sticking out like little spikes. He is resting his
body on the plant branches in the tank. Could you tell me what
kind of sickness or what could be causeing this?

Hi Beth,

Your fish sounds like he has dropsy. Unfortunately this is a very dangerous disease; it is a failure of the kidney where the fish takes on water and minerals.

There is no certain cure although treatment with Epsom salts has proven useful in some cases. 1/8 of a teaspoon per 5 gallons is the maximum dosage. Yes, it is a tiny amount but any more will kill.

To treat, get a CLEAN 5 gallon bucket - any detergent or soap residue will kill the betta. Prepare 5 gallons of water how you usually would and dissolve the 1/8th of a teaspoon of Epsom salts. Then use this water in your bettas normal container.

WARNING: Often I recommend using Aquarium salt to treat diseases; it works wonders for fungus etc. but it will make dropsy worse by causing the fish to hold even more fluid. Only use Epsom salts.

Keep your betta warm (78+ is best) and away from bright light or busy movement.

I hope he recovers!
