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gourami with scales missing

23 14:24:33

Hi chris,

I have a gourami, in a 20 gallon tank with 5 platys and 3 loaches.  The gourami appears to have scales missing on both sides of the body in small white patches and then around the fin which seems to be exposing his flesh, almost in a circle around the fin - its all pink and red in colour.

There is a partial water change (10 gallons) done once a month and we have had the tank for a year.  After having a good look at the behaviour of the other fish around the gourami, they don't seem to be nipping at it or aggravating it in any way, and the gourami tends to hang around by the filter on its own until I some near the tank or until its feeding time.
I do hope you can help,

Thank you for your time,

Claire Hancox

Hi Claire;

Redness usually indicates a bacterial infection. He may have injured himself somehow and the bacteria entered the wounds that way. Fish can also be burned by the heater and you see the damage later. I would use Maracyn or Maracyn Two. It would be best to isolate him so you aren't treating the whole tank. If he is eating you could use an antibiotic food instead of the maracyn. There is a product called Melafix with natural ingredients that may help too. You can use it along with antibiotics to help inhibit further infection, soothe wounds and promote new tissue growth.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins