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Is my new fish pregnant???

23 14:47:09

I have a 165 letre aquariam and have only just put a few fish in to get the bacteria going. One of my Mollies looks like it has more of a tummy and a bit fatter than the other ones. One a question I have read was simalar and you said is it hiding we do have a breeding mat in there and i do have a breeding trap attatchment but scince the fish have just been put in they are still all on the bottom and around the mat and plants! So I was wondering if my fish did get pregnant at my local fish store are there any other signs of pregnancy or is it just a fat fish?!?!?!
Thank you

Hi Nikita,
 Female mollies are almost always pregnant because of the cool way that they reproduce.  A female molly only has to mate with a male once and then she can store the sperm and use it for many batches of babies.  So, odds are, your female is pregnant.

-- Ron
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