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Betta Fish Urgent Care

23 14:50:43

I have just changed my betta fish water with a new type of Bowl
preparation I usually have been using Aqua Pure Bowl Prep and
this has been working fine, I ran out of it and had to use my
friends bowl prep which is Splendid Betta Complete Water
Conditioner, I changed the water and within minutes my bettas
were acting strange, floating vertically and not swimming around
or responding to me. I have never seen them do this before so I
got what I had left of my original bowl preparation solution and
put them both in jars of with the original water and bowl prep
solution, they're situation is declining rapidly and one is laying
on it's side at the bottom of the jar and is not readily responding
to anything, the other is floating slightly vertically what can I do
to save them?  

Hi Jack;

Poor guys. There is really nothing you can do except keep them quiet and turn the lights low to help lessen their stress and get over whatever caused their shock. The product should not have caused a problem unless it was contaminated somehow. Could it have been the temperature? Was the new water a different temperature? How long had it been since the last water change?

Let me know....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins