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the differance between the male and female

23 14:43:38

hi kathryn,
first i want to thank u for ur answer, i did what u told me, and now i want to know the differance between the male and female of the redcap fish, and how could i know that they r now growen up(adult) and can put eggs so i can be ready for them.

Hi again.
Thanks for the comments, much appreciated.
I assume you mean the Red Cap oranda Goldfish? If so, they are difficult to sex, but the males have white pimples on the gill covers, and the females have a deeper body when sexually mature. Red Caps will not breed unless given an 80 litre plus tank unfortunately.
They become sexually mature between the age of 1 and 3, so usually if they are over 2, they will be ready to mate. To induce spawning, slowly lower the temperature of the water to 11C, then warming it slowly again. This imitates their natural environment.
Good luck,