Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Little gold fishes biting at big gold fishes

Little gold fishes biting at big gold fishes

23 14:26:51

I have noticed for a couple of days now, that our 5 little gold fishes are wither biting or picking at the 3 bigger gold fishes..? Is this normal behavior?  We have had freshwater aquarium for about 2 months now, and they just started acting like this.  Please help.

Hi Rigo;

Your question was submitted to what's called the "question pool" and I have an answer for you so I retrieved it. Here we go...

Sounds like the ones being chased are females ready to breed. Female goldfish put 'pheromones' in the water when they get full of eggs so the males are responding.  If you don't have a tank of at least 30 gallons with lots of plants or "breeding mops" to lay eggs in you may have to seperate them so the males don't injure the females. Here is information about it so you know what to do for them to successfully breed if you want them to;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins