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Really concerned about my betta

23 14:25:10

Hi Chris, I have a red betta.  I got him about a month ago. He's in a gallon fish
bowl.  He's the only fish in there and there is no filter.  I don't have anything
to test the water levels with.  I changed his water completely after the first
week but then he went almost two weeks w/o a change because I was out of
town.  I used bottled spring water.

But yesterday when i got home there was a strange film covering the top of
the water.  I scooped it off, but noticed that my fish's skin looked strange
around his face and the looked dark around the gills.  He seems lathargic and
had been lying near the botton of the bowl.  I just changed the water.  And
added Stress Coat.  I'm hoping he'll be ok with the new water but hoping he's
not seriously ill.

Also I had a plant in the tank with him, that now is looking sort of brownish
in the leaves so I removed it.  Maybe it was sick from dirty water as well?

Greatly appreciate your help!

Hi Claire;

He may have been stressed from the dirty water. If the plant died it would contribute to it too. Keeping the water extra clean to help boost him immune system back up is about the best you can do. If he seems to have a white coating on his head or something he may have a bacterial infection or fungus and need medication. If he sits on the bottom and seems to have trouble swimming to the top he may have a failed swim bladder. Here are links to information about these illnesses;

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins