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Inactive, pale betta

23 11:58:28

Hey Chris,

I just bought a betta fish today and he is acting sick. He is really pale (I
thought that was his natural colouring when I was at the pet store) and he
doesn't swim and struggles to get to the top for air. I am sure he has gone
through some temperature shock but I think that his behaviour suggests that
it is not only the temperature change.
Is there anything I can do? Will he most likely die?

Hi Olivia;

I hope he's doing better now that it's been a couple of days. Sorry I couldn't get to your question sooner.

Temperature shock can be quite devastating. All you can do is wait for him to recover and keep his temperature warm. Be sure that when your betta is moved to new water that it is the same temperature as the old water every time.

Constant warm temperature is very important when keeping bettas. They are tropical fish that require 76f to 80f all the time. Find a point within that range and keep it stable. If your house tends to be too cool, get a tank of 3 gallons or larger to keep him in and get a small aquarium heater. The bigger the tank better your betta will like it anyway. Don't fall for the myth that bettas like small spaces. They do much better in larger spaces, just like other fish.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins