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my fantail fish

23 14:01:53

on saturday i got my little brother 2 fantail fish. then on sunday 1 of the fantail fish went belly up, but i revived him then he died on monday morning when i got up. i tried to revive him but i was too late. but the thing i cant understand is how can a fish die after 2 days. please help

Hey Beth!

He probably died of ammonia poisoning.

Did you cycle the tank?

Did you use de-chlorinator in the tank?

How big is the tank?  If it was too small, then the fish would have been cramped.

Get a large tank ( unless you don't have one ) Goldfish need 10 gallons per fish.  Cycle(which means let the tank run without fish) the tank for two - 4 weeks then add the remaining goldfish after around 3 weeks or 2 weeks if your desperate.

Good Luck!!       Jack