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Glad he is ok

23 11:52:25

Hi Lynda. I'm glad the goldfish is ok. Please don't give up on him. The little guy needs looking after and I know if your daughter gave him too you you would look after him, because I know you love fish like me too. It sounds like you have alot of fish from what your saying about having big tanks. I called the fry Daddy. My friend said she wants me to have Daddy and the other three fish. I get my catfish after all don't I? Do you think I should get him another friend for him? Did you say you have swam in the bay all your life and there has never been a shark attack? It's just that I watched a documentory on tv called shark attack rescuers and it was about people who had been attacked by sharks. When I saw it it made me wory a bit about you swimming where there are sharks. I just don't want you to be attacked by a shark that's why I am asking. I don't want you to get hurt. One of my best friends was killed by a tiger shark years ago and ever since that day I have been scared of sharks. I was about 15 then. I saw it too. It was horrible to see. I was there. The guy with us kicked it in the eye and then in the nose and it retreated and left us but it was too late. That same shark had attacked man two days before. I am going to an aquarium in a few weeks time. It's called the blue planet aquarium. I did tell the guy not to kick the shark but he said he had to and he was an expert in sharks and shark attacks.

Hi Danielle,
These sharks live in cold deep waters.  The Saguenay is very deep, and the Bay is very very deep.  They are called Greenland Shark and grow to 21 feet in length, sometimes reach 24 feet.  They are harmless to humans.  When caught, there is a certain way of cooking them, I know they are poisonous, and would never eat Shark or Whale, or anything like that.  In fact I don't eat fish at all.
I do have lots of fish especially South American Cichlids, and African Cichlids, I never mix the two...I have breeder tanks, ..all my tanks are from 20 gallons to 250 gallons.  It all started one night with a sale at Zellers...I bought that 5 gallon aquarium, and thought I could put so many fish in there!  I was fascinated by fish, and watched them all night.  It was terrible when I think of it today, and the fish manager in that store new nothing about fish, let me tell you!  For a five gallon, he sold me two male bettas, 4 small angel fish, 2 plecos, 5 tiger barbs....can you imagine?  I couldn't sleep, kept watch the Bettas, and felt strange inside.  I bagged them all up the next day, and brought them to a Pet Store...of course the owner thought it was a joke, but it wasn't, so form there I went on to study about fish, buy bigger aquariums, and breed them.   I later left my banking job to work in the fish department.  I loved that job, and hated the banking one, so all was fine with me.  I was manager in the fish department.  This was a big Store with every fish, and salt water fish you could think of.  We were 8 employees looking after fish, so you can imagine how big it had to be to hire 8 people just for fish!  I learned lots there too.
Well my dear it is getting close to supper time for me, so will say good-bye.