Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Sideways Swimming Betta Fish-PLEASE HELP!

Sideways Swimming Betta Fish-PLEASE HELP!

23 11:56:46

Chris - you responded to Katie back in 2005 re: a sideways swimming Betta fish.  You suggested cooking/cooling peas, removing them from the shells and cutting into tiny pieces.  I tried to do that, and the pieces immediately sunk to the bottom.  My fish is floating sideways on the top!  Any other suggestions?!  How do I use Epsom salt?  I'll go buy some if I know how it works.

Hi Cindy;

Try offering tiny chunks of the peas on the tip of a toothpick. If he's interested in eating it should work. If he's not interested in eating anything, that's when it's time to try epsom. Here are two links to pages with constipation/swim bladder info and treatment with epsom;

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins