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my oscar

23 11:48:21

yes i just noticed my oscar has like a bubble on his bottom and he has something hanging out of it and i just fed him some goldfish and i was wondering if u knew what it might be
      i would be grateful for any help u can give me  

Hi Kathy,
It could be parasites. it most likely is.  There are many parasite medication at your Pet Store.  You must read the labels to identify which one he could have.  Before treating your Oscar, make sure his water is free of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  This is very important.  You did not mention the size of your tank.  There are reasons why I ask for the size of tanks, and water quality.  It helps me identify more easily what could be wrong.  An oscar should have at least a 60 gallon tank all to himself, two Oscars you double that, and so on.  Oscars kept in smaller tanks, will have their growth stunted, and their internal organs will have no place to grow.  They will continue to grow just the same causing misery, and sickness to the Oscar.  Eventually the fish dies.   I just thought you would like to know this.
Also I would like to mention, never feed your Oscar goldfish, some are full of disease, and your Oscar will get the disease the fish he just swallowed has.  They also have no nutritional value.  
An Oscar should have peas, green beans, broccoli, and carrots.  I buy mine frozen, and take a piece out and cook it for a minute of so, and cool it, and feed my Oscar.  They love veggies, and it is very good for them.  They also love fruit.  Feed him crickets, ants, and cleaned worms.  To clean the worms, put them in oats for about a week.  Feed him a good quality flake, and frozen food that you find at your Pet Store.  You can also feed him fish that come from rivers, and lakes (Not salt water fish) that you find at the market, such as trout.   Feed him pellets also, but pellet should be soaked in water before feeding them to your Oscar so that he will have no trouble to digest them.
Clean water, a good diet, and a big tank, are a must in keeping Oscars.  They need vitamins, and calcium to be healthy, and happy.
I hope he will be okay, watch him closely, and don't forget to keep his water very very ammonia.