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jack demseys

23 13:58:23

I just got a pair of jack demseys. They are suppose to be mates. What other kinds of fish can i put in the tank. My tank is 40 gallons. Also, what are the chances that I will have baby jacks.

Hi Simone,
 I strongly recommend that you not put any other fish in with them. If they are indeed a pair, they will eliminate any other fish in the tank when they attempt to breed.  

 It is absolutely essential that your tank have lots of structure, i.e., wood, rock and/or plants (plastic would be best) so that the female has LOTS of places to hide should she need it.  Mating in large cichlids can be very rough and if it doesn't go well the first time, the female absolutely needs emergency hiding places or she can easily be killed.  

-- Ron
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