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pregnant female guppy dying!

23 14:12:35


I wanted to say thanks for the suggestion on what to get for my balloon molly. The gill rot disease has practically gone away, but i have another problem. A few days before the gill rot disease i bought 4 guppies. It turns out I realized that my female guppy was pregnant a day later, after I put the Maracyn-Tc in the tank. She now has red dots over her, including her stomach. Shes been in the corner at the top of the tank and the bottom for long periods of time. Now its gotten so bad that my guppy is like stuck in the plant, not swimming, and only breathing. I thought she was dead the first time I checked up on her! Please I need your Help!

Tay,                                                                   It sounds like either the stress from the medication or the sudden change in water quality affected her. They are a very sensitive fish. For her it was probably over medicating and she may have developed septicemia from it. This is a blood disorder. You are probably going to lose her sorry....Tina