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Feeding peas to beta

23 14:46:16

Well, it took quite awhile but he finally recovered. He wouldn't eat at all for
almost two weeks, then he acted hungry but turned his nose up at everything
but now, almost 3 weeks later, he's swimming around - no more floating. We
started in slow feeding him but now he acts ravenous. He devours
EVERYTHING as soon as it hits the water. He does look a little emaciated so
looks like he could eat a little more, should we give him a little extra to help
him recover, or go back to normal feeding.

Thanks again!
The text above is a follow-up to ...

The other day when I fed our Beta he gulped both pellets at the same time. I
thought at the time that probably wasn't the best thing for him to do. Shortly
after he started getting lethargic, uninterested in us, etc. Now he's floating on
top. Has been for about 4 days now so we tried feeding him bits of a pea.

Sorry, I'm not too smart on this one but how do you feed the pea to the beta?
It just sinks to the bottom - where he is having a really hard time going to let
alone to look for food. I finally got a piece to stick to the side of the tank
right above his nose but I guess that means he's not interested yet? He is
starting to perk up a bit, trying to swim more.

Thanks so much for your help! I've had lots of questions and your answers
have been very helpful!

Hi Judy;

You are very welcome. I'm glad to be able to help.

You can try to give him peas on the end of a toothpick or a chopstick. You
could be right that he isn't ready yet too. Warm up his tank with a desk lamp
or something to help encourage his appetite and speed up his metabolism.
He still has plenty of time to begin eating again so don't worry yet. Bettas can
go for 2 weeks or more without eating. Keep offering the peas and change his
water frequently.

You might even try bits of frozen brine shrimp or blood worms. They are
more tasty and rather "aromatic". They have exoskeletons that provide a
laxative effect in your fish. Give all these kinds of foods at least twice a week
even after he's doing better.

I hope he feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Judy! That is truly excellent news! I would just keep feeding him normal portions. He will fatten up eventually. Overfeeding could just put him back where he was 3 weeks ago. Offer the other types of foods (peas, shrimp, worms)every week too so he gets a varied diet. It helps prevent digestive troubles.

Glad to hear from you......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins