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Flowerhorn is sick!

23 14:13:33

Hi i have this flowerhorn for 7 months, he usually healthy and active.
he's swimming all over his tank, but suddenly one night i saw him lying
on one side and he can't swim but he's breathing. i feel pity and i
wanted to cure him. it's been 2 days now, but he's still alive. i'm not
doing anything to make him like that way.he's eyes are turned to white.i
was trying to keep him up but he can't, he was just lying flat on his one
side. what should i do? is there anything i can do to save my pet?

Hi Lou,
  Unfortunately that doesn't sound good at all.  Have you been doing regular weekly partial water changes?  You should change about 25% of the water once a week every week to help keep him healthy.

  It is also important to have an airstone in the tank. Do you have one of those?

-- Ron
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