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Emergency! My Bettas Strange Behavior...

23 15:10:48

I have had my Betta for about a year and 3 months. He has always been healthy, free of illness, and all around a normal fish. He is the most agressive out of the 2 of my bettas. I have noticed within the past week or so that Betta has been becomming very agressive and angry for no apparent reason. His gills flair out enormously, his fins become very erect and he swims very boldly around his bowl.  He and the other betta are not within sight of eachother, so the other fish is not the cause of this. I have noticed since this has been happening, he is not eating at all (4 about 4-5 days). He has twice, in the past few days or so take a pellet in his mouth, only to spit it out seconds later. He has been very active lately, and I do believe most bettas are anti-social and just sort of hang around. There are no other fish in with him, he lives in about a 1 gallon fish bowl with no filtration system, but water is changed regularly every week. There are colored rocks and a few pretty gems on the bottom. My routine in carring for him has not changed in the year and few months I've had him. He has not produced any mating bubbles in a while. All activity is normal except for his strange appetite... there isn't one. He comes up to the top like normal for feeding time, but does not eat. He also always has a very large appetite and becomes over excited when I feed him. Wouldn't his over activity make him hungry? There are no visible illness' or could it be an illness which I cannot see? Will he die from starvation? He is my prize fish. I love him very much, and he is my favorite. Please help because my betta is scaring me and it's making me sad. ):

Malik's Mommy
PS: I am unaware of the pH level, but I use water conditioners if that helps. I am unaware of nitrates as well. Please write back ASAP! Thank U so Much!

Hi Amber;

Poor guy. I think he is just getting senile from old age. He is over 2 years old now and bettas live to be between 2 and 3 years. (When we buy them they are about a year old) There really isn't much you can do except keep his bowl as clean and warm as possible and keep offering him food. You've done a good job in caring for him so far. He's had a wonderful life.

Wish I could help you more on this one.......

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins