Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My Goldfish has no hole in mouth

My Goldfish has no hole in mouth

23 11:55:20

Hello, my goldfish of about 8 months now seems to have a problem with his mouth. since 14 days ago the hole in his mouth seems to have closed smaller & smaller and now seems like something has blocked the entrance. Its seems like its closed up now he is swimming around just find the the other fish is very happy.

He has been a little quite but stil swims about just fine.

Any ideas as the other fish is just fine infact very very happy in there 30Litre tank....

Thanks to let me know

Can your goldfish consume food?? If so, ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL.
Anyway, if it can't eat, ask me a follow-up and tell me a more detailed description of it. If you could send me a picture, that would be even more helpful to your fish's health, also.
Good luck!! :)