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Sick fish wont eat

23 15:05:24

The tank has been set up for a day and is 11 by 8 inches. i've filled it up about half way. i have 1 goldfish. i have no idea what the pH, ammonia, and nitrite levels are and how to check them (which is probably the problem)

however, after i switched my fish to the tank (from a bag i won him) he hasn't gotten any better. he floats at the top on his side and his the tips of his fins are black. he has some black spots on his body also. he doesn't eat (i've tried lettuce) and swims sluggishly and with his hind in above his head (almost vertical). what's wrong with him and what should i do?

Hi Christine;

Poor little guy. He is indeed in bad shape. I can't make any promises, but let's see what we can do......

He is probably suffering from shock and also ammonia burns which is quite common in fish given away as prizes or gifts. They are kept in conditions that cause invisible toxins like ammonia to build up and burn their skin, eyes and gills. The skin and fins get black areas on them from tissue damage and their gills are burned and they cannot absorb oxygen very well. To keep him alive and hopefully recover, replace 25% of the tank water every day and use a water conditioner that will remove chlorine/chloramine as well as reduce stress. Water conditioner is available at your local fish store. You can siphon the 25% of old water out with a small hose or a well-rinsed cup. Just be absolutely certain there is no soap or chemical residue on them. They should not be used on your aquarium equipment at all. Soaps and detergents are very toxic to your fish. Be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. You do not need to take the fish out of the tank to do this. It is less stressful if he is left in the tank.

Do not feed him for a couple of days. He is in no condition to eat yet. When it's time, he needs some regular fish food or he may not eat at all. Lettuce has no nutrients in it that he needs anyway. Feed it as a supplement to keep his bowels in order later when he gets well. Get a good basic goldfish diet when you get the water conditioner at the fish store. You might also get an air pump, tubing and airstone. He needs extra oxygen in the water right now.

Okay, now for the next problem......the tank is too small. Goldfish need a good filter and 10 gallons of water per fish to thrive and do well. They get 6 to 8 inches long and are deep-bodied messy fish that just need lots of space and well-oxygenated water. If they are well cared for they live 10 years or more. Your poor little fella is a victim of some very bad practices that are unfortunately all too common because most people just don't know. Here are some sites to tell you more about how to care for him;

I hope he feels better soon........

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins