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start up of aquarium

23 11:14:11

we recently bought a used 55 gal hexagon tank. now we need to know which filter u would recommend because of it being taller than most tank.what else do we need besides the filter? as u can tell we are just beginners, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thank u judy

Hi Judy,
I don't recommend a specific filter because they are all good at different things. For example, one of my stingray tanks had 7 different kinds of filters and it's only 200 gallons.

I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but I always say that you should build a tank for a fish, not get a fish for a tank. Go to your petstore and look seriously for fish you like. Since each ones have specific tank requirements, send me a fallow up question once you have made your choices and I will help you design the best possible tank for the fish you want.