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I think my Beta fish is sick.

23 12:01:26

QUESTION: Hello Lynda.
For the past 2 days, i have noticed that my beta fish has been acting very strange. He sticks to the bottom of the tank, rushes up for air, then comes back down. I feed him the pet store pallets(Betta Food with natural color enhancers) every 2 days. He also "floats" more on his side then anything, and sometimes curls up in a weird"S shape"  ways. I read that it could be "Swim bladder disorder", so i emptied his tank, left his a few inches of water, and tried to feed him pea's, but he doesn't want to eat them. I don't know what to do next.Can you please help me!
thank you for your time.

ANSWER: Hi Maggie,
It sounds like Swim Bladder Disease.  Since he is not eating, you will have to give him an antibiotic.  Kanamycin is a very good antibiotic for fish.  If you cannot find it, buy Tetracycline, or Furan 2.  Swim Bladder is usually caused by poor diet.  The right way to feed a betta is to vary his diet.  One day give him pellets the next day give him Betta Flakes, and the next dry Daphnia.  He should have bloodworms once a week as a treat.  He should also have a frozen cooked pea with the outer layer removed, and cut into tiny pieces once a week.  The day you give him the pea, he should get nothing else.  A Betta should be fed small meals 2-3 times a day.  
Example:  2 pellets for one meal.  We must remember that his stomach is the size of his eye, so small meals are better than one big meal.  
Feeding your betta once every two days is not good for him.  He is hungry, and gulps his food down, and eats more than he should on that day.  I know people tell you to do this, but they are wrong, this is not the right way to feed a betta.  It is not your fault, but the people who tell you these things.  Hopefully, your friend will get better, and you will know how to feed him well.
Bringing down his water is a good idea, seeing as now he has trouble getting to the top.  He should have at least 5-6 inches of water in his tank.  You could also leave all the water in, which I think you will have to, in order to treat him, but have a silk plant in it where he would go rest on, near the top.
Just as a precaution, I would like to add, if you bring the temperature of his water up, do this very very slowly.  One (1) degree every day.  This is very important, as bringing your temperature up too fast, would kill your betta.
Follow the directions on the package carefully, never overdose.
Hope this helps, and that your pet will get better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Lynda
i asked the pet store for the antibiotics, and they told me that since i don't have a filtered tank, i shouldn't use the antibiotics you told me to get him. Is that true.
This is the tank i got him:

they told me something about betta aid, or betta revive, something along those lines. Is that a better choice then the antibiotics?

I also went and bought him pellets, bloodworm, and frozen brine shrimp.
But for the peas, should he eat them frozen... or thawed out?
thank you again, i really appreciate it.  

Hi Maggie,
I went to the site that you sent me, and it says that your tank is 1/2 gallon.  Most Betta bowls are 2 gallons as this is what the betta really needs to be happy, and 5 gallons is best.  I think this is the main reason why the pet store manager said that you could not use antibiotics.  It is very difficult if not impossible to have the right dosage for a 1/2 gallon tank.  Filtration is not necessary, you could put in an air stone, but since your tank is 1/2 gallon, there is no way to give you the correct dose, therefore, overdosing is very dangerous, and could kill your betta.
Hikari Revive helps cure many diseases, I have never tried it, but you could give it a try.  The required dose is one (1) drop to (16) oz. of water.  Do not overdose, and follow the directions.  I do not know if this is good for swim bladder disease, as I would go with antibiotics, but you have no choice but to try this, and hopefully he will pull through.
Bettas get sick in small bowls especially when the water is not heated.  The Betta needs at least 76 degree water which is impossible to heat in a small tank.  They are tropical fish, and do get cold in an unheated tank. The betta is one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  This is not your fault as they are there to sell, and will sell anything.  You think that you are doing what is right for him, but lots of people believe what they are told, and end up with sick bettas wondering why.  The myth that bettas do well in small amounts of water is a lie.  In there habitat the betta's water may be shallow, but they have lots of room to swim.  Many people don't know this, and buy what they think is best.  This is sad for the buyer, and the betta as we do get so attached to them.
The pea should be well cooked and tender.  Remove the first layer after it is cooked, and cut it into tiny pieces.  Feed the pieces to your betta one at a time, making sure that he eats it, and that it does not fall to the bottom of the tank.  If he eats the pea, give him nothing else to eat so that he can clean out his system.  Keep your water very very clean.
The pea will surely do him some good, and in some cases, the betta is cured by this.  You have gone out of your way to make him happy, and well.  I really do hope he pulls through.
Keep me posted, and I will say a little prayer for him.