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Best Fish Choice

23 11:29:37


I am just got a 30 gallon BiOrb Fish tank for christmas and i was wondering what are some of the coolest and best fish to get. Even some specific colors of species would be great as well, Thanks


Hi Mark,
 That's really impossible for me to say. There are over 28,000 species of fishes and I like them all!  I strongly suggest you resist the urge to get a lot of fish. Start with a few and learn about them and then build from there.  Personally, I like cichlids. This is a large family of tropcial fishes that includes over 2300 species. All of them provide parental care for the offspring and I find that wonderful to watch.  I encourage you not to mix fish from different regions of the world, so for example, do not just get a fish because it looks cool and then get another fish that looks cool and put them together. Bad things can happen if you do that.

-- Ron C.
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