Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > CONVICT CHICLIDS


23 11:29:32


convict pimple
HELLO, I have a 1 year old male convict that has ,well it looks like a pimple about a 1/4 inch under his eye. a little red spot with a little white head the is kind of sticking .I have no Idea what this is so i need some help helping my fish.

thank Tim

Hi Tim,
The picture is too dark for me to see.  A pimple or red around the eye suggests that he may have "Popeye"  There are many reasons why a fish may get popeye.  The best treatment is "Tetracycline" if caught in time.  Maracyn, and Maracyn 2 combined are also good, but I prefer "Tetracycline"  This disease is curable if you treat him quickly.  Poor water conditions are the main cause to popeye, although there are other reasons.
Check your water before treating him, and make sure he has no ammonia, or nitrites in his water.
I hope the little guy pulls through.