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23 11:25:33

i have a 55 gal with 2 blood parrots and i just got 2 yellow african cichlids. is that ok? i was told it was so i got them then people told me it was a big mistake,i dont know what to think. theyve been in there 4 a couple days and they seem to all get along. even my big bully bp has calmed down some, but people say i made a big mistake,that once they all reach maturity they will fight all the time. god i hope not. can it stay good like it is or am i just a fish moron? i try to do my research, but i get so many conflicting answers. please help. and if i cant keep the africans,what can i keep with the bps?

Hi Katie,
 One can never say for sure, but in general, I do not mix Central/South American cichlids with East African cichlids.  The yellow cichlids are most likely electric yellow cichlids from Lake Malawi.  Blood parrots are a manmade fish deriving from Central and South American cichlids.  

 Your best bet for tankmates for the parrot cichlids would be catfish.

-- Ron
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