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Bala sharks

23 11:13:19

I have two bala sharks in my 50 gallon tank.  They are about 3" long and at least 10 years old. What kind of fish can go in the tank with them without being eaten? Can I buy Chiclids or oscars?

Its possible that anything that is smaller than them will become a meal. Cichlids may not go so well because of the size of the bala sharks. You said they were 3"(inches). Do you mean 3'(feet). IF you got cichlids, they would have to be pretty decent size, but the aggression of the oscars or something along those lines may be too much for the bala shark to handle. If they are only 3" inches, than the cichlids will probably terrorize them. Community fish go better with bala sharks, they are good tempered for the most part and should be kept with fish of the same nature.