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setting up my tank

23 15:09:31

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Question -
Im living in Japan right now and i just bought a fish tank and some gold fish, but I cant read and of the directions that the tank came with. I was hoping you could tell me what exactly the best thing to do was. Thanks.

I have a few more questions...
#1 How do I know what the Ph level should be for my tank?
#2 The tank I have isnt very big, Its only a few gallons, so if i use bottled water does that get rid of all the problems with the tap water like the chlorine?
Thanks for your help!!!

Hi Erin;

Don't worry about pH much. The fish can adapt to your tap water pH and as long as you make weekly water changes of 25% it will stay stable. If you want to test it anyway, it should be anywhere from 6.5 to 7.5.

You could use bottled water, but you should use water conditioner anyway. Products like Stress Coat and NovAqua do much more than removing chlorine. They help the fish with stress and bind metals that can be present in any water, including bottled. Tap water is easier to use anyway.

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Chris Robbins

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